Live Magazine is a studio-run digital publication. For each issue, we attend an event and create multimedia stories about its most stimulating ideas and conversations. We become part of the proceedings, building a pop-up space to talk with attendees and gather on-the-spot reactions. This issue took place at The Bentway Street Summit, a two-day festival of ideas, installations, and inspiration about streets and public spaces.

The experiences included; “I am for a Street that...” that allows attendees to reflect on what they want from pedestrian spaces and contribute it to a banner installation. A map where folks contributed personal and meaningful spaces in the city. And a mad-lib style poem that spoke to the love we have for Toronto.

Project Collaborators: Paddy Harrington, Laura Sellors, Hannah Vance, Jessica Leong, Tristan Marantos, Brian Sholis, Sarah Paul, Lisa Qin, Maddie Cochran, Adélie Touraille